Monday, September 21, 2015

We have so many examples of student leadership to share with the opening of the school year.  I'd like to recognize Hanna Goodale and the amazing student council led by Ms. Fotos and Ms. Abbott. Our student council has helped with our student orientation, helped set up for open house, led two student assemblies for middle and high school age groups and is in the midst of planning an awesome homecoming week!  Thank you to our student leaders for their generous time and efforts.

Special Thanks to Caitlin Smith for leading class officers in their introductions at our assemblies,
to Emma O'Malley for being in charge of the tape wall and explaining how it works to our new students and staff, to Molly for explaining how Powerpuff sign-ups and rules work at WBMHS, to Sevrina for leading the planning of our Pep Rally on October 2nd, to Nash for being in charge of ticket sales for homecoming and explaining to our student body how homecoming nominations will work for this year and to Amanda Baldi for leading our spirited skits and songs during assemblies.

Please remember to support the student council Blood Drive on 10/22 and to remember that October is Breast Cancer awareness month at WBMHS.  Thanks to our students who plan to "Trick or Treat" for canned goods to help with our STUCO food drive this Fall.

Thanks to Mrs. Klemm for leading a great summer book talk activity that was school-wide.  This was a great way for students and staff to bond and to discuss good books that we all read over the summer.

Congrats to our football team for a great win on Friday night vs. Gardner!!  Thanks to our middle school band for their outstanding performance during the game and for their playing of our National Anthem.

Thanks to the cheerleaders for a great performance at halftime and during the game.

And a huge thanks to our students for their fantastic sportsmanship and for showing such class in both our victory vs. Gardner but also in our narrow defeat vs. Littleton.  In both of these games, I was proud to be there as your principal as you supported your team with tremendous positive energy and respect.

Congrats to both boys and girls soccer for their strong starts to the season and to our golf team as they have begun the season with a 4-1 record.

Special Thanks to student William Darling for his leadership as he has volunteered his time several afternoons to work in our homework club, tutoring middle school students and offering them help with their subjects.  Congratulations William!!!!

Congrats to Gavin M and Ricky S who won the "longest flight competition" in Mr. Bennett's Science class.  What a fun activity and it's hard to believe that these guys were able to fly their contraption nearly the length of the entire gymnasium!!  A Great feat of engineering boys!

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