This is National Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the nation. F.I.S.H. is using this week to kick off healthy lifestyle messages throughout the school year. The 2015-16 Red Ribbon Week theme is Respect Yourself. Be Drug Free.
Staff and students can expect to see the following this week:
red ribbons available at high school lunches
bookmarks with facts and resources
announcements with statistics and positive messages
Have a Safe and Healthy Week!
FYI: F.I.S.H stands for Friends Inspiring Student Health
This is a photo from our annual student council Wings of Hope Walk this past Saturday on the rail trail, we raised over $600 for the American Cancer Society. Congrats to our students and to Mrs. Fotos and Ms. Abbott
I hope you all have a great week and enjoy this beautiful fall weather!