Friday, October 2, 2015

One of our students wrote this thoughtful and insightful piece about how people treat one another on social media and the effects that this can have on a person. Thought I'd share it as it is very well done.

“The most harmful thing, to me, are words.
The saying “sticks and stones may break
my bones but words will never hurt me”- is
a complete lie. Words hurt, a lot. Whether
it’s behind a screen or face to face, any form
of bullying hurts. Calling someone names or
picking on them for what music they listen to
or for how they dress is so stupid. It’s hard to
push away all the negativity someone says
towards you because you feel like you’re
trapped inside this box. This box is being
shipped from house to house, and every house
holds an insult of some sort. You feel like you
can’t escape from it but you can. Time can heal
almost anything. You’re not damaged goods.
You’re not your failed explorations. You’re not
someone else's opinion of you. You are your own
definition of beautiful and you are your own product
of learning. Timing is a funny thing, but one way or
another, someone will always be there to help.”

-C Smith grade 9

What would Homecoming week be without the senior tailgate breakfast?
Thanks to our seniors for showing their strong leadership and school spirit all week.

Thanks to Mrs. Pelto and her class of juniors and seniors for their help with preparing me and other teachers for our presentations at Career Day!! This has been a great experience for me.

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